EUR/USD Binary Options Trading Strategy 1 Hour Video

If you want to understand this EUR/USD Binary Options Trading Strategy, you should have some understanding of the theory of probability. Suppose you have a coin that has 50% chance to land head and 50% chance to land tail. In terms of probabilities we say head has got 1/2 chance and tail has also got 1/2 chance in 1 flip of the coin. So when you flip the coin 2 times, the chances of 2 heads is (1/2)(1/2) which is the same for the tail. In the same manner if you flip the coin 3 times, the chances of 3 heads or 3 tails in a row are (1/2)(1/2)(1/2). Keep on increasing the flips and the chances of getting heads or tails in a row get even more small. So it is very difficult for you to get tails all the times. What this means that the probability of losing 5 trades in a row is quite low. This binary options trading strategy uses this mathematical fact to increase the size of the trade each time you lose. Each time you start with $5 and increase the size of the trade if you lose the trade.

Now if you increase the probability of winning from 1/2 to something like 3/4,  you have developed what we call a winning trade system. How to increase your probability of winning?  Watch this 1 hour video that explains this EUR/USD Binary Options Trading Strategy and answers these questions.